How Long Do Pool Heaters Last?- Pool Parts To Go

How Long Do Pool Heaters Last?- Pool Parts To Go

Maintaining the longevity of your pool heater is not rocket science. It requires effort, and time, and saves you a hefty amount of money. Therefore, it's a win-win situation.

In this article, we will explore the tips that ensure the longevity of your pool heater, and how one can enjoy a memorable pool time without the scent of unidentified odours and other issues.

What is a Heat Pump

Used for heating and cooling purposes, a heat pump works by transferring heat from one place to another. Heat pumps tend to operate on a small amount of energy, and are different from traditional heating and cooling systems that generate cold and hot air when in use. A heat pump's only job is to move heat from one place to another.

The way a heating pump works is that it obtains heat from the external air, water, or ground and simply shifts it to the internal part of the building, to heat the area. A heat pump takes help from the refrigeration cycle that revolves around the compression and expansion of a refrigerant.

The main job of this refrigerant is to absorb heat from the outdoor environment, causing it to evaporate and turn into gaseous particles. When the gas is compressed it then automatically raises the temperature. And eventually, the compressed gas turns into a condensed one, releasing heat into the compartment.

This whole process is reversed when it comes to cooling a room. The heat pump simply obtains the heat present within the room and lets it out, cooling the room. In the same way, a refrigeration process works in the heating system, you can expect it to work similarly when dealing with the cooling aspect of a heat pump.

One fun fact about heat pumps is that they can be used alongside other heating and cooling systems like furnaces or air conditioners, helping you maximize  efficiency and reduction in overall energy consumption.

How Long Should a Pool Heater Last

The average heat pump lifespan equals 5 to 15 years. However this span can be affected by various factors like the type of heater being used, the quality of the equipment in question, and lastly maintenance along with usage frequency and patterns.

Let's take a look at the life spans of different pool heaters:

Gas Pool Heater

Gas pool heaters are reported to work perfectly for 10 years but after they do tend to create problems here and there especially if you were lagging with the maintenance from the start.

The 10-year life span can be attributed to the use of propane or natural gas, whatever is being utilised by the equipment. Gas heaters are said to be more durable and are a great source for some quick heating processes.

However, after the 10-year check mark has passed, these pumps become more susceptible to combustion, and the chances of an accident increase if the gas pool heater has gone through wear and tear over its lifespan.

Electrical Pool Heater

An electrical pool heater is said to work efficiently and perfectly for a good 8-12 years. And as mentioned above this period will be affected by the quality of the heater, usage, and the most important factor which is timely maintenance.

It should also be noted that electric pool heaters tend to have a slightly lower life span as compared to heat pumps. To maximize the longevity of your electric pool heater, it's always recommended to follow the guidelines mentioned by the manufacturer and inspect the electrical components religiously.

Sun Pool Heater

Also known as solar pool heaters, sun pool heaters come with an average life span of 15 to 20 years. These pool heaters work by working directly with the sun's energy to heat the pool water. This process makes these pool heaters a sustainable and cost-effective option for pool owners.

It's worth noting that solar pool heaters are considered to be reliable and they can easily be workable after 20 years.

When Is It Time To Replace Your Heater

Recognizing the warning signs mentioned below can save you time and effort. The most common indicators that hint at the replacement of your pool heater are as follows:

  • Reduced efficiency: Such an indicator is easy to detect especially when your pool heater is being used for quite some time. A drop in a heater's efficiency could be signs such as insufficient heating or the pool heater is taking a relatively longer time to do its job. At times this reduction in efficiency could be due to worn-out components or deteriorated insulation.
  • Life span: If your pool heater has crossed its average life span or is nearing the point, it will be more sensitive to breakdowns and more prone to insufficiencies when carrying out its assigned role.
  • Enhanced energy bills: One of the key qualities of a high-end pool heater is that they lead to minimum energy bills. Therefore, if your pool heater is acting in a way that contradicts this fact, that is, it's leading to higher bills than normal, it might be time to replace the pool heater.
  • Unusual sounds or odours: There is a high chance that your pool heater is seriously damaged if it causes banging, grinding, or hissing noises. Furthermore, an unusual odour emitting from the heater also indicates mechanical problems with the equipment. If you're experiencing similar issues with your pool heater it's recommended to immediately seek professional help before the problem at hand escalates into something significant.
  • Leaks and corrosion: The eroding external body of the pool heater or frequent unexplained leaks are signs of serious internal damage. The corrosion has a way of weakening the heater's structure while the leaks can cause further complications and heightened water damage.
  • Need for frequent repairs: Requiring technicians every other month for repairs is an indicator of the bad health of your pool heater. Such frequent repairs are for sure costly, causing it to be more expensive than if the heater was altogether replaced, saving you money in the long run.

How To Make Your Pool Heater Last Longer

The implementation of proper maintenance, care, and upkeeping is essential to ensure that the pool heater works for the longest time and efficiently too.

The maintenance of your pool heater is not an extremely difficult task, keeping up with daily care is enough to ensure the smooth working of your equipment. Mentioned below are the tips you should follow to avoid unnecessary replacements and costly repairs:

Keep Your Alkaline And PH in Balance

Keeping the alkalinity and PH of your water is extremely important to make sure your pool heater lasts longer than usual and works smoothly.

This tip is an essential one because an imbalance in the water chemistry will eventually lead to scaling and corrosion, having a detrimental effect on your heater's components. Therefore, regularly test and adjust the PH and alkalinity rate to maintain a proper balance.

Keep a Check On The Calcium Level

Heightened levels of calcium will cause dangerous scaling, and for sure hinder the working and efficiency of your pool heater. Hence, it's always recommended to keep the calcium levels within the recommended range to ensure the prolonged lifespan of the equipment.

Keep Your Sanitizer in Range

To prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria like algae and other particles in the water, it's important to keep proper sanitization levels.

It should be kept in mind that excessive sanitizer levels also have a negative effect, corroding the heater's components. Hence, the sanitizer level should neither be too high, nor too low.

Investing in a Quality Heat Pump

It's important to make the right decisions from the initial stage. And one of the most significant ones is the purchase of equipment that is high-end and worth the money you paid for it. Therefore, do you want to avoid half of the problems mentioned above? Invest in a credible quality heat pump.

In a Nutshell

The proper maintenance of your heater, protecting it from dirt and debris, and following up with professional inspections are truly important if you want longevity for your equipment. When talking about professional inspections, you can't just thrust the equipment into the care of a random company.

A reputable company like ours that is trustworthy and brings years of experience to the table, is the one for you. Therefore, don't lag and book an inspection for your pool heater in this instance.

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