An Expert Guide To Common Pool Pump Problems And Their Solutions

An Expert Guide To Common Pool Pump Problems And Their Solutions

The pool pump is used for the circulation of, proper filtration, and chemical distribution of water within a swimming pool. The process starts with the water being pulled out from the pool into the skimmer and main drain, passing it through the filter, and then returning it back to the pool. It should also be noted that regular pool pump maintenance is essential for effective swimming pool water circulation.

Common Pool Pump Problems And Their Solutions

To maintain the proper circulation and cleanliness of one's pool water, the usage of a pool pump is for sure essential. However, there are times when these pool pumps fail to do the task they're supposed to carry out and can run into problems.

Let's take a look at what these hindrances are and their possible solutions:                                                  



Air Leaks: Such leaks tend to take place around the area of the pump lid, the suction side of the plumbing system, and union fittings.

Such a problem can be solved by tightening around any o-rings that might have loosened up or replacing worn-out gaskets. These swimming pool motor repair actions will reduce the chances of air leaks.


Electrical issues: Pool pumps work on electricity. Therefore, any problem with electrical outlets or connections can lead to troubleshooting when it comes to operating pool pumps.

 In case your pool pump has stopped working, it's always a good idea to take a look at the fuse box to detect a blown fuse or tripped breaker as these are some common swimming pool problems. Furthermore, make sure the motor is receiving adequate power voltage via wires


Reduced flow: Reasons like clogged skimmer baskets, uncleaned filters, or a blocked impeller can cause problems related to the flow and circulation of the water.

If you have made sure none of the sources above are causing a problem, you can always seek professional help.



How To Diagnose And Repair Pool Pumps

To diagnose and repair swimming pool pumps, one needs to follow a systematic approach for effective results. Hence, to fix common problems in your pools pump system, follow the tips mentioned below:

  • Identification of the problem at hand: Before taking any corrective measure, it's of utmost importance to find out what's the problem and why is it occurring in the first place. The problem source will only be identified if you take a close look, searching for any leaks, low flow, strange noises, etc.
  • Checking the power supply: The most usual issue with a pool pump frequently revolves around troubleshooting issues with the power supply, so it's always a good place to start with. The power supply comes accompanied by a switch button. Make sure this button is "on" whenever you're using the pool pump. Most of the time, the main issue with one's power supply is a tripped breaker. Hence, replace the broken item or buy a new one.
  • Connection Inspection: Frayed or damaged wiring can be the culprit at times. In such a case replace the damaged wiring, tighten any loose connections, and ensure all electrical connections are secured.
  • Blockage Inspection: There are times when the water filter fills up with debris or other dust particles that will be restricting the water flow. Hence, it's of utmost importance to clean your water filters and impellers religiously and make sure they spin freely.
  • Prime the Pump Effectively: Even after removing all the debris and dust, you're still facing problems troubleshooting your swimming pool. It's always a good idea to use a pool pump primer or a lubricant. Such items help greatly if one is struggling to prime.
  • Seek Out Professional Advice: Even after following the above tips and tricks, if you're still unable to locate the issue, it's always recommended to seek professional consultation. There's nothing that compares to the skills and experiences they will bring to the table. Hence, as a last resort, one can seek the assistance of a professional pool service technician.

A Cost Comparison Of Professional vs DIY Pool Pump Repair


Professional Repair

DIY Pool Pump Repair


Opting for a professional technician, who knows what they're doing brings with itself peace of mind and one can't ignore the upper hand that the expertise has. But the cost of such experience and knowledge tends to be high.

One should only go for a DIY pool repair if they have the basic knowledge of the task at hand and are ready to invest some precious time and effort. Replacing a gasket at home isn't going to be costly at all if you know what you're doing.

The exact price you will be charged will depend upon the complexity of the issue, the location, and the reputation of the professional service company one chooses.


However, if we're doing a cost comparison of DIY repairs versus professional repairs for a broken down or faulty pump system, an at-home effort is going to cost you much more.


The choice between a professional technician and a DIY project will ultimately depend upon one's budget, comfort level with DIY projects, and the complexity of the issue at hand.

Save Time By Investing In Regular Maintenance

Ensuring that your pool pump is well-maintained, and carrying out its daily cleaning, inspection, and addressing the issues that arise over time, allow the pump to operate for a long time, preventing costly repairs, and prioritizing peace of mind. Investing in the right place with the right people is an important aspect.

Therefore, solve your pool problems today by contacting us and enjoy a much-needed pool time with your family!

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